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Since 2022, we have increased our overall score with an impressive 10.8%. With a score of 71.6%, we have already now achieved our target of over 70%, initially planned for 2026. We received top scores in the areas of Values (Ethics & Integrity), People Strategy and Leadership. The certification demonstrates our commitment to creating a modern, forward-looking workplace – now and in the future.
What drives us is the desire to grow together with our colleagues, to inspire them and to share a corporate culture that motivates us and enables us to perform at our best.
The Top Employer Institute's certification program is a valuable tool for us to benchmark our HR strategies against the best employers and to continuously improve them. Together with 164 other companies in Germany, we accept this benchmark and strive every year toward becoming an even more attractive employer. This not only helps us know where we stand, but also allows us to learn from the best and to continuously improve.
Despite our successes, we remain ambitious and continue to work on areas where we have identified potential for improvement, such as offboarding and rewards & recognition (salary/compensation, benefits and offers for different phases of life). We will also continue to address the topics of diversity and inclusion.
Founded 30 years ago, the global Top Employer Institute conducts a multi-level certification program each year to assess the work environment of employees at the global and country levels. All relevant HR areas, such as work environment, talent acquisition, learning, well-being and diversity & inclusion, are covered in an extensive questionnaire - and then reviewed and assessed by independent experts. Only then, and only if the criteria are met, does the company receive the coveted seal for one year.