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In the area of cloth adhesive tapes, customers already have access to Coroplast 8937 STX with UV acrylic adhesive or Coroplast 8939 ST with synthetic rubber. With the PET cloth carrier, the wire harness tapes offer medium to high abrasion protection (abrasion class up to D).
Recycled PET with synthetic rubber is also used as a cloth carrier material for Coroplast 8951 ST - a non-woven adhesive tape. The sound damping here corresponds to class B.
While the carriers of other PET cloth tapes are made of virgin PET, our ST products are manufactured from recycled PET.
Example of sustainable use: Typical wiring harnesses for passenger cars comprise 2m² of abrasion tape. By using 2m² of Coroplast 8937 STX instead of PET cloth tape made of virgin fibres, you can achieve a waste reduction of 25 PET bottles (500ml) per car.