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Wire harness tapes from Coroplast Tape

Whi­che­ver type of tape is re­qui­red, whe­ther fle­xi­ble, ab­ra­si­on-re­sis­tant, heat-re­sis­tant or noi­se-ab­sor­b­ent, not only does Co­ro­plast have the broa­dest ran­ge of high-qua­li­ty ca­ble bin­der tapes world­wi­de, it is con­ti­nu­al­ly de­ve­lo­ping new pro­ducts. As a re­lia­ble part­ner, we pro­vi­de our cust­o­m­ers with in­no­va­ti­ve so­lu­ti­ons right from the ear­ly sta­ges of their de­ve­lop­ment pro­ces­ses – fast, fle­xi­ble and al­ways re­a­dy to help.

More than 40 ye­ars ago, Co­ro­plast de­ve­l­o­ped from sim­ply ma­nu­fac­tu­ring in­su­la­ti­on tape to be­co­me a sup­p­lier of tech­ni­cal ad­he­si­ve tapes for se­lec­ted mar­kets. The com­pa­ny’s path of evo­lu­ti­on was cha­rac­te­ri­sed by a strong in­no­va­ti­ve spi­rit and the cou­ra­ge to try out new tech­ni­cal al­ter­na­ti­ves. To­day too, we of­fer made-to-mea­su­re so­lu­ti­ons de­si­gned to meet the quick­ly chan­ging re­qui­re­ments of in­dus­try. For ex­amp­le, Co­ro­plast sup­p­lies ex­cep­tio­nal lengths on sin­gle rolls or cross-wound so­lu­ti­ons for au­to­ma­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons. Mo­re­o­ver, the com­pa­ny ma­nu­fac­tu­res a who­le ar­ray of other ad­he­si­ve tech­no­lo­gy pro­ducts and sup­p­lies them in va­ri­ous pa­cka­gings and si­zes, such as die-cut parts, for ex­amp­le.

filter products

product image: Coroplast 317

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 317

Plasticized PVC tapes
product image: Coroplast 651 MSX

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 651 MSX

Plasticized PVC tapes
product image: Coroplast 505

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 505

based on PP, halogen-free
product image: Coroplast 512

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 512

based on PP, halogen-free
product image: Coroplast 8310 SE

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 8310 SE

Polyester cloth tapes
product image: Coroplast 8320 SE

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 8320 SE

Polyester cloth tapes
product image: Coroplast 835

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 835

Polyester cloth tapes
product image: Coroplast 835 X

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 835 X

Polyester cloth tapes
product image: Coroplast 837 X

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 837 X

Polyester cloth tapes
product image: Coroplast 837 FRX

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 837 FRX

Polyester cloth tapes
product image: Coroplast 8375 X

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 8375 X

Polyester cloth tapes
product image: Coroplast 838 X

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 838 X

Polyester cloth tapes
product image: Coroplast 8380

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 8380

Polyester cloth tapes
product image: Coroplast 839

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 839

Polyester cloth tapes
product image: Coroplast 839 X

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 839 X

Polyester cloth tapes
product image: Coroplast 8750

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 8750

Fleece polyester adhesive tape
product image: Coroplast 829

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 829

Polyester ‘Technowoven’ tape
product image: Coroplast 836 SLX

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 836 SLX

for lightweight wire harnesses
product image: Coroplast 856 SLX

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 856 SLX

for lightweight wire harnesses
product image: Coroplast 876 SLX

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 876 SLX

for lightweight wire harnesses
product image: Coroplast 8440 X

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 8440 X

Acoustic adhesive tape
product image: Coroplast 880

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 880

PA velour tapes
product image: Coroplast 880 X

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 880 X

PA velour tapes
product image: Coroplast 831 MPX

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 831 MPX

for heavy-duty mechanical protection
product image: Coroplast 832 MPX

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 832 MPX

for heavy-duty mechanical protection
product image: Coroplast 833 MPX

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 833 MPX

for heavy-duty mechanical protection
product image: Coroplast 834 MPX

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 834 MPX

for heavy-duty mechanical protection
product image: Coroplast 1288 X

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 1288 X

Heat reflection tapes
product image: Coroplast 1289 X

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 1289 X

Heat reflection tapes
product image: Coroplast 8002

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 8002

Splice tapes
product image: Coroplast 8005

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 8005

Splice tapes
product image: Coroplast 8302

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 8302

Splice tapes
product image: Coroplast 8606

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 8606

with increased heat resistance
product image: Coroplast 8607

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 8607

with increased heat resistance
product image: Coroplast 8608

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 8608

with increased heat resistance
product image: Coroplast 5170

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 5170

Subseries 5100: PUR foam adhesive tapes
product image: Coroplast 5173

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 5173

Subseries 5100: PUR foam adhesive tapes
product image: Coroplast 5175

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 5175

Subseries 5100: PUR foam adhesive tapes
product image: Coroplast 8937 STX

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 8937 STX

Polyester cloth tapes
product image: Coroplast 8939 ST

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 8939 ST

Polyester cloth tapes
product image: Coroplast 8770 X

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 8770 X

Acoustic adhesive tape
product image: Coroplast 513

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 513

based on PP, halogen-free
product image: Coroplast 1237 ES LT4

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 1237 ES LT4

Screening attenuation tape
product image: Coroplast 8608 X

Wire harness tapes Coroplast 8608 X

Heat reflection tape

81 Results

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Do you have any questions about our wire harness tapes and solutions? You are welcome to contact us at any time!