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Information for suppliers Cooperating in a spirit of partnership

Coroplast Tape aspires to fascinate and inspire its customers again and again with original ideas and innovative products. Good suppliers are our guarantee of success in this undertaking. With this point in mind, if you are equally able to fascinate and inspire us with your range of products and services, we are interested in long-term cooperation with you as an efficient supplier. Distinctive customer orientation is our common driving force, with the aim of continually developing better products through our innovative strength.

Our purchasing department works with partners on an equal footing

As a medium-sized company with an international character, we greatly appreciate fair market prices, trustworthy cooperation in a true spirit of partnership, an open culture of discussion, and non-bureaucratic, solution-oriented processes. You could support us with your know-how in order to consistently optimise resources and ensure technological progress in the best interest of our customers. We look forward to getting to know you, your ideas and what you have to offer.

What we expect from our suppliers

We have specific, objective criteria that we use when selecting our suppliers. If you want to become a part of our supplier network, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • QA certification in accordance with ISO 9001, ISO/TS 16949 or ISO 50001
  • Outstanding supply reliability
  • Impeccable quality – you can find out more about this topic in the section Quality / Environment / Energy
  • Competitive, fair market offers
  • Ability to react flexibly to fluctuating demand
  • Competent support in optimising logistics costs through supply chain management

We also appreciate it if you are well equipped in terms of electronic connectivity (EDI, SAP) and able to support us with your own locally based production sites, also internationally if possible. If you are able to meet our requirements and wish to make us a suitable offer, please contact our purchasing team or send us your completed supplier questionnaire as soon as possible.

Coroplast works with a supplier network sharing our dedication to quality.

At Coroplast, we are looking for suppliers who want to be partners in innovation and development of future technical and automotive tapes.

Jamey Wooten | Purchasing Manager

OUR PRODUCT CATEGORIES We look forward to receiving your offer

Our broad ran­ge of pro­ducts also me­ans we need to pur­cha­se a wide va­rie­ty of ma­te­ri­als. Whe­ther pro­ject or se­ries pur­cha­sing, our strict re­qui­re­ments re­gar­ding the qua­li­ty our pro­cu­re­ment mar­ket part­ners sup­p­ly are the same in every field. Many of our re­qui­re­ments are high­ly spe­ci­fic and for that re­a­son we great­ly app­re­cia­te thought­ful sup­p­liers who sha­re our in­no­va­ti­ve spi­rit and work on new ma­te­ri­als and me­th­ods that be­ne­fit our cust­o­m­ers and our­sel­ves in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with our de­ve­lop­ment team.

Technical adhesive tapes

    • PET-/ PA-fa­brics
    • PET-stit­ched fa­brics (Ma­li­watt)
    • PET need­le felt
    • PA-ve­lours
    • Alu­mi­num foil
    • PE-/ PP-/ PET-foil
    • PE-/ PU-/ EPDM-fo­ams
    • Pa­per
    Stack with Adhesive Tapes Rolls
    Carrierer materials for Technical Adhesive Tapes
    • UV cura­ble acryla­te
    • Acry­lat­dis­per­sio­nen
    • Elast­o­me­re (SIS)
    • So­lid res­ins
    • Soft res­ins
    • Re­sin dis­per­si­ons
    • Sof­te­ners
    • Fla­me re­tar­d­ants
    • Fil­lers
    • Sol­vents

Important documents:

You can download all relevant documents here. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact our purchasing staff.

Your contact Contact for Raw Material and Strategic Purchasing

We believe in an open and sustainable business relationship with our partners and look for innovative suppliers who commit to maintaining high standards. Please don’t hesitate to connect with our Purchasing Manager for any inquiries regarding raw materials procurement.
Xenia Bogdanov
Strategic Purchasing Manager